Informed Owner Consent for Radiology Diagnostics Including Sedation

Radiology Outpatient Ultrasound Service

*Dr Rajdeep Multani, DVM, DACVR

Potential Risks and Complications:

  • Sedation Risks: Allergic reactions, respiratory or cardiovascular complications, unexpectedly high degree of
  • IV Catheter Risks: Infection, inflammation at the insertion
  • Fine Needle Aspirate Risks: Minor bleeding, discomfort, infection, urine leakage.
  • Tru-cut Biopsy Risks: Bleeding, infection, damage to adjacent structures. Generally requires General Anesthesia.

CPR/DNR Instructions
Emergency Life-Saving Measures:
In the event that your pet requires immediate life-saving interventions such as Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), the veterinary team will act in the best interest of your pet to preserve its life.

    Procedures Authorized:

    Sedation and Monitoring, other procedures

    Procedure Explanation and Expectation of communication:

    Financial Responsibility

    Consent for CPR and Emergency Treatments:

    DNR Directive:

    7 + 5 =