
Dr Sophie Saati



Dr. Sophie Saati graduated from the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal in St-Hyacinthe in 2012. Following her DVM degree, she completed a rotating internship at the same institution. In 2013, Dr. Saati joined the team at Animal Specialty Hospital in Los Angeles, where she completed a specialty internship in internal medicine. Following the completion of her internship, she came back to Canada and joined the Ontario Veterinary College of the University of Guelph to pursue her training in small animal internal medicine. She completed her residency and graduate degree in 2017. During her studies, her primary research focus was hemostasis (blood clotting), most particularly platelet function. Her work aimed to optimize platelet function tests in order to help monitoring treatment response in dogs receiving blood thinners to decrease the risk of stroke during medical conditions.


Dr Saati enjoys all aspects of internal medicine, but has a special interest in immune-mediated diseases, hemostasis, endocrinology, and renal diseases. During her free time, she enjoys reading, cooking, playing piano, and spending time with her family.

Dr. Saati has been working at OAESH since 2018 and provides her services in English and in French.